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来源:中美省州合作专题子站 时间:2017-07-16 00:00:00






Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the northern border of China, acrossing the three regions of the northeast, north and northwest. It covers approximately 1,183,000 km2 or 12.3% of China's total land area. In 2016, the total GDP of Inner Mongolia reached 1863.26 billion RMB, increasing by 7.2%, with per capita GDP 74,069 RMB,equivalent to 11,151 USD at the annual exchange rateand an increase of 6.9%.






The United States has always been an important partner of Inner Mongolia in trade and economic cooperation. The cooperation focuses on the fields of animal husbandry, energy, equipment manufacturing, environmental protection, and telecommunication. In recent years, the continuous development and growth of Economic and Trade Cooperation between Inner Mongolia and the United States. Steady development of bilateral trade. In 2016, there were 230 enterprises with import and export transactions, and trade volume amounting to US$532 million with the United States. The import and export commodities included medical equipment, chemical products, plastic products, animal and plant feed, lead ore, textile and clothing, metals and their products, oxygen-based amino compounds, steel and fertilizer. The United States has become the fifth largest trading partner in our region.




Continuous development of two-way investments. As of the end of 2016, the United States has invested in the establishment of 142 foreign-invested enterprises in Inner Mongolia, the total investment totaled to USD2.55 billion, with a registered capital of USD 1.32 billion. From the industry point of view, the investments are mainly concentrated in business services, accommodation, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, equipment manufacturing, mining and wholesale industry. The total amount of foreign investment totaled USD205 million. As of the end of 2016,Inner Mongolia has established a total of 31 investment enterprises in the United States, with the agreed amount of USD3.11 billion. Inner Mongolia has also invested in 9 projects that is more than USD$10 million. The total investments account for USD2.82 billion, accounting for 91% of the total investment in the US-China agreement. The investment area is mainly distributed in California, New Jersey. There are investments in agriculture, mining, hotel catering, bio-pharmaceutical, international trade, education, aircraft dynamic system and etc.




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