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来源:中美省州合作专题子站 时间:2017-07-05 00:00:00











Brief Introduction of Jiangsu and its Cooperation with the United States


一、Jiangsu overview


Jiangsu is located at the eastern coast of China with a land area of more than 100,000 square km, about 1 percent of the national total and a population of more than 79 million, about 6 percent of the national total. In 2016, the provincial GDP surpassed RMB 7.6 trillion with an increase of 7.8% , making it the 2nd largest in China. Jiangsu’s GDP accounts for more than 10% of the national GDP while GDP per capital hit USD 14,000, ranking No.1 in China. Jiangsu’s economy enjoys a high level of openness. In 2016, the provincial import and export volume reached USD 509.6 billion as the 2nd largest in China, accounting for 13.8% of the national total; the inbound FDI reached USD 24.5 billion as the largest in China, accounting for 1/5 of the national total; the outbound investment reached USD 13.2 billion as the fifth largest in China, accounting for 7.7% of the national total.


二、Economic and trade ties with the US


The United States has always been an important partner of Jiangsu in trade and economic cooperation, ranking No.1, No.6 and No.2 as the trade partner, investment source and destination respectively.


In the year of 2016, the total volume of two-way trade reached USD 84 billion, down by 3.18%.


By the end of 2016, the US has altogether invested 11484 projects with the contracted capital of 41.5 billion US dollars and actually utilized 17.1 billion US dollars, accounting for 1/5 of the national total and 4.3% of Jiangsu inbound FDI. In year 2016, the US has invested 172 projects, down by 4.97%, with the contracted capital of 1.19 billion US dollars, down by 4.9%, and actually utilized 1 billion US dollars, up by 137%.


By the end of 2016, Jiangsu has altogether invested 959 projects in the US with an investment of 52.3 billion US dollars, accounting for 10% of the provincial total.






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